Shinola Great Americans Series: The Muhammad Ali Center Limited Edition Watches Replica 36mm

Each year, Shinola honors American innovators and industrial pioneers with their Great Americans Series. Included are the Wright Brothers, Henry Ford and this year the company chose to honor famous boxer and personality, Muhammad Ali.

Ali is considered one of the best boxing heavyweights of all time and one of the most recognized sportsman in history. Crowned The People’s Champ and The Greatest, America and the world rooted for the boxer during his career. The watch Shinola created for Ali features a stainless steel cushion case and a brown alligator strap with red backing, similar to boxing gloves. The Muhammad Ali Center Limited Edition Watch 36mm is placed on a strap made by Hadley-Roma in Largo, Florida and the watch is powered by the Shinola Detroit-built Argonite 715 quartz movement.

In addition to the actual timepiece, the buyer receives a custom hickory box and three rarely seen prints of Muhammad Ali, captured and signed by Magnum photographer, Thomas Hoepker.

The watch is a 400-part limited edition and is priced at $2,250.

About Shinola

Why not accept that manufacturing is gone from this country? Why not let the rust and weeds finish what they started? Why not just embrace the era of disposability? And why didn’t we buy a warmer coat before we moved here? Through three Detroit winters, we’ve asked ourselves these questions. And worked not to find our answer, but to build it.
Because we don’t think American manufacturing ever failed for being too good. Our worst didn’t come when we were at our best. It happened when we thought good was good enough. Learn more about Shinola here.